Power Boost supports the body while boosting positive mood and promoting nutrition through a blend of L-glutamine (an amino acid found in your body) and medium-chain triglycerides. It’s blended with cocoa beans, valued not just for their wonderful flavour but also for their high nutrient content.
Get a leg up — Power Boost™ supports the body while boosting positive mood and promoting nutrition through a blend of L-glutamine (an amino acid found in your body) and medium-chain triglycerides. It’s blended with cocoa beans, valued not just for their wonderful flavor but also for their high nutrient content. Coconut oil is also added to provide a rich source of nutrition that helps nourish the body. Use Power Boost as an addition to PureNourish™ or on its own for a delicious cocoa flavour.
Mix one scoop of Power Boost™ with two scoops of PureNourish™ and 235 ml of cold water, unsweetened almond milk or coconut milk and enjoy once a day. Shake vigorously to blend.
Branched-chain Amino Acid Blend (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine), L-Glutamine, Medium-Chain Triglycerides, Theobroma Cocoa Powder.
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