From your home to your office, keep your spaces filtrated from every angle with the 360-degree Puritii® Multi-Effect Air Purifier — designed to improve your air quality with the most advanced purification technology available.
Breathing is believing! From your home to your office, keep your spaces protected from every angle with the 360-degree Puritii Multi-Effect Air Purifier — designed to improve your air quality with the most advanced purification technology available. This sleek yet functional filtration system combats air pollutants while removing up to 99.99% of microbes, plus more than 99.99% of ultrafine airborne particulate matter measuring less than 2.5 micrometres and from 0.1-.03 microns. It can also significantly reduce harmful pollutants such as emerging contaminants, chemicals, allergens, VOCs and more. Intelligent Technology The Puritii Multi-Effect Air Purifier is smart enough to monitor your air quality in real time and make adjustments to the filtration level. The remote control and touch screen control panel make it easy for you to customise your air filtration, including cleaning and filter replacement, on-off settings and speed controls.
Key Benefits
- Pollen
- Pollutants
- Odors
- Pet dander
- Hair
- Dust
Each unit weighs approximately 39 pounds and measures 15.75 x 16.14 x 34.25 inches (40 x 41 x 87 cm), similar in size to R2D2. The amount of space the system cleans and the rate at which it cleans depends on the setting you choose (six fan speed options). When utilising the highest filtration mode, the Puritii Multi-Effect Air Purifier can clean up to 426.9 cubic feet per minute.
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